Hockey History - The Danglebangle

Watching hockey today, it is sometimes hard to imagine the humble beginnings of the sport. Originally hockey evolved as a 'more refined pass-time for the more sophisticated gentleman' as early NHL legend Clogg Bradunkle described it in his 1912 memoirs "The Adventures of an Irish Mugwump Taking the Egg, Or, The Tale of Batty-fanged Tallywags". A more refined pass-time than what? Curling, which hockey was adapted from. At the turn of the twentieth century, curling was a widespread activity on the many frozen lakes and rivers of the Canadian prairies. The game had been brought over by Scottish immigrants and was quickly adopted. By the early 1900's rising nationalist sentiments coupled with a growing disdain for the broad appeal of curling led some of the newly rich men in Alberta to invent a new game to partake in during the 10 months of winter. A more refined pass-time, a game they would refer to as Hobbadehoy. Hobbadehoy legend Clogg Bradunkle. Fort McMurray ca...